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College and Career Readiness

College and Career Resources

Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates and Cincinnati Youth Collaborative

The Jobs for Cincinnati Graduates Program is a one-credit high school elective class. Career specialists keep at-risk students in school and on the path to employment, college/trade school enrollment or enlistment in the military. Students are taught 37 critical core-competencies in order to help them transition into the Adult World of Work and build a Career Path. Students are supported by a Career Specialist for one year post-high school to ensure a successful transition into life after high school and the implementation of their Individual Development Plan (IDP).

Information about JCG can be found on the Cincinnati Youth Collaborative website.

Paying for College

There are many options to help pay for higher education. To improve your chances of qualifying, make sure that you meet all deadlines. Your school counselor can provide more information on financial aid options and requirements. Visit our Financial Aid — Scholarships page for more information on resources that are available to students.